I often found myself wanting to add empty spaces in my text. However the thought of having my text littered with a series of   blocks was repulsive.

Given that most of the content I write is in markdown, and is rendered via Hugo in most cases - both personal & work, it made sense to develop a simple system which works with any hugo site.

Here’s a simple shortcode that one can add to their static site, and inject n number of spaces, in a clean fashion.


Save this as ./layouts/partials/space.html in your hugo repository.

Now you can add 10 spaces by adding {{< space 10 >}} in your markdown file.


"As that I can see no way out but through"

{{< space 50 >}} -- Robert Frost

would be rendered as:

"As that I can see no way out but through"

 -- Robert Frost

and would appear as:

“As that I can see no way out but through”

                                                   – Robert Frost


Adding {{< space 1 >}} in a new line, will add an empty line. No more <br> tags!

Text above

{{< space 1 >}}

Text below

and would appear as:

Text above


Text below